The Papaya Seed)
List of Ailments Treated By Papaya Seed.
1) It cures Typhoid Fever
2) It Cures Liver Disease
3) It Cures Stomach Ulcer
4) Protect the Digestive System & Improve Intestinal Health.
5) It helps Your Digestive System
6) It Will Help in Your Body Detox.
7) It Rejuvenates your skin. Papaya Seed Regenerate Dead Skin Cells Hence Maintain The Beauty of The Skin.
😎 Make Your Bones Stronger.
9) Prevent Aging.
10) Cure Eye Disorder
11) Increase Appetite for Food
12) Fertility. Papaya Seed Increase Sperm Production for a Man and Help Fertility of The Eggs for Women.
13) Prevent Kidney Disease.
14) Minimize Menstrual Pain for Women
15) Minimize The Risk of Cancer.
16) Rid Your Body-off Parasites.
How To Use Pawpaw Seed In Treatment (Papaya Seed)
Pawpaw Seeds (Dried)
Lime/Lemon Juice
Grind (Dried) Papaya Seeds in a blender or mortar and Pestle
Mix with fresh lime Juice or Lemon Juice.
The more Dried Papaya seeds are the more you put lime/🍋 Lemon juice
Drink this Papaya Seed twice a day with for 30 Days.
I cup in the morning before you eat
I cup in the night in bedtime